Do you hear that? That's the sound of forgiveness.
That's the sound of people drowning, Carl.
by cattrain April 9, 2010
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Giving up all hope for a better past.
By using forgiveness, I can stop hoping the past will change.
by paul woolf August 17, 2006
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It's what your mom has done ever since you were born is forgive you for your past mistakes.
Your mom used forgiveness after you lied to her.
by Denys Swag October 7, 2017
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An event in which forgiveness was extended to an individual or group.
The forgivenessing took place after I misspelled my friend's name multiple times and begged that my friendship with her be restored.
by TheGreatCarrotBoy January 2, 2020
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to forgive a boy who hurt you
a guy just crushed my heart but i will not hate on him i will forgive him
by tacogirl September 2, 2011
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Is the true meaning of unconditional love. It is the highest form of loving another, and ones self, and the greatest act of selflessness.
Forgiveness is the most beautiful quality anyone can have , but truly only achieved by few.

e.g., Animals are our greatest teacher of unconditional love and a forgiving heart.
by SetintheCity June 26, 2018
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Brandon should not get revenge.This is because he can forgive.
by Daam February 25, 2013
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