Someone who wastes everyone else's time and money, whose only contribution to society is to divide and deceive, and who miraculously gets airtime despite never having achieved anything.
Hey, get out of here you Farage, you've caused enough problems already.
by OSCOLA October 3, 2017
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Optical illusion seen in the political wilderness, that makes you believe you can see a long term career
He had been in the political wilderness for years, then he could see the top job come in to view

It turned out to be a farage
by jiggggly March 15, 2014
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Alternate spelling of the Malaysian word "faraj", which means "vagina".
She shaved the hair from around her farage.
by Skiamakhos May 11, 2014
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A grifter, a snake oil salesman who thinks up schemes to fleece money from the gullible
Donald's new Ponzi scheme demonstrates what a real Farage he is.
by Gráinne Hayes February 5, 2021
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To make a complete mess of something when you do something without thought or without the knowledge to make an assertion
Bloody hell Nigel you’ve made dreadful farage in formulating a business case for the new product line!
by Mansy62 September 21, 2018
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The sexual act of taking it up the brexit.
Guy 1: Bojo got properly shafted when Gove took him up the brexit.
Guy 2: Yeah that was harsh faraging.
by Tenlegporkchop January 21, 2017
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The mistaken belief that something one believes is a fact.
The dimwit genuinely faraged that the earth is flat and the Apollo 14 was a ladder.
by Bob Mercer March 22, 2018
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