it means whatever you please
mostly used as a humorous insult
#1: Wow katy. your doubleyou is hecka fach.

#2: Seriously Ashley, you think her xylophone is chair? Youre soooo fach!!!
by woopdewoop January 8, 2008
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fast acting chick hitting
Acronym for technique of hitting up girls at clubs according to da FACH manual c.2004
see that girl at the bar... fach her!
fach that like you fached the other girl
by Ceaser Leo April 1, 2005
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A skin disease usually found on cows, but has been found on humans. Usually forming a pussy circle on your meat flesh
Damn, that fach is really acting up
by Nick M April 10, 2003
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A skin disease found mostly on cows and sometimes even on humans, usually forming a gross pussy circle on your meat flesh
Damn, that fach is really acting up
by Nick M April 10, 2003
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An instance in which one IMs someone when the latter person was about to IM the first.
I had a fache with this guy yesterday, it must have been fate.
by SheedyIV January 13, 2008
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Pronounced eww-ber-fuck (with heavy German accent)

1) more than your usual fuck.
1) When she had enough of Adolf and his drinking buddies ordering her around, the bar maid Helga screamed, "You can get your OWN über-faching beer!"
by REICHBURGH November 27, 2010
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French slang, which translated, means "bull's fashion" but basically equates to "hyper trendy" or overly trendy. Used when a person wishes to express distaste at the latest fashion trend/fad, because it seems that everyone has a certain item of clothing or is wearing it. This term is most frequently heard in Paris but is slowly spreading to other parts of France.
1. That Burberry scarf is so fache-couture.
2. That purple American Apparel hoodie is so fache-couture.
by bkgmh46x0x March 18, 2008
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