In layman terms, a Nazi like sore on the ass of society. EDiot's like to spew garbage rhetoric, Anti-Patriotic litanies and are apt to hide behind a keyboard and monitor.

EDiot's are also known to claim to have a military background when in fact they are for the most part some 16 year old punk who can't go outside for fear of a righteous ass beating.
Ed(iot) Burke is a prime example of an EDiot. Ed(iot) like's to spout Nazi like statements and shows a general hatred of all Americans. Ed(iot) also likes to claim to have served in Vietnam, unfortunately the only jungle Ed(iot) has ever seen was the hairy tangles of genital hair belonging to his gay lover.
by Ed Burke September 7, 2007
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Pronounced like "idiot", but the i is replaced with e.
Person 1: You're such an ediot!

Person 2: What the hell is an ediot?

Person 1: It's like idiot, but with e.

Person 2: lol, you're stupid, you can't tell the difference between ediot and idiot unless they are written! lol!!1

Person 1: ...
by UD user <3 April 13, 2008
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The “E”xtended or "E"xtreme form of Idiot…projected beyond ones self

These are people who are the “E”xception to the norm of Idiot where “I” implies self…as in “I am a complete IDIOT”…so the use of the “I”diot will always cum back on ones self, where the use of “E”DIOT is always “E”xternal to ones self…so in essence…if one uses the “E”xtended or “E”xtreme form of idiot, they are referring or describing someone or a group of people beyond themselves that they have made Ediots out of.
The executive management and Board of Destruction at SGI have made complete EDIOTS out of its shareholders.
by ReapMyTips May 22, 2006
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An idiot who edits their Discord messages constantly.

(Edit + Idiot = Ediot)
Jake: Stop editing all your messages, you ediot

Ediot: No (edited)
by ashleeskye0225 January 18, 2021
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an idiot who enjoys using electronic stuff
that guy is an ediot. he is playing with his laptop
by frank December 14, 2003
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A very rare syndrome found in Zanu - PF supporters in the country of Zimbabwe. It affects dumb people who support Zanu-PF's cruel regime under the leadership of Emmerson Mnangagwa. Mostly found in people who cannot support themselves and their families who do not have any substance in them and are unemployed and cannot get access to basic services.
Oppah : Zanu-Pf is not going to be held responsible for the cash crisis and unemployment in Zimbabwe we are a democratic party

Nelly : Girl you must be crazy, that EDiot syndrome must be taking a toll on your mental health
by ForbesWithTheFacts💀 July 7, 2018
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The bizzare fucked up logic of someone who is a member of Encyclopedia Dramatica, and one who believes everything on the ED Wiki to be true and disregards real facts as sperging.

Calls out other people and calls them retarded for doing something that on circles outside of ED would be perfectly reasonable.

Also hating sites like Thatguywiththeglasses because they make more money than ED does.
"EDiot Logic sure is fucked up."
by MM132 September 13, 2012
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