nerd backwards. Most peope don't know what it means, so if you call them a "dren" they will not be offended. So you can make an inside joke with your friends if you dislike the nerd.
You: That kid is such a dren
The dren: Wow you're kool making up words
Your friends and you:(laughing) at the dren
by Mike Graves May 8, 2006
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A gentler method of referring to someone (or something) that frequently exhibits characteristics commonly seen as extremely "drenny," also referred to as "extremely nerdy" or any adjectives of a similar nature. Dern is commonly used as a more abrasive variation.

Note: Dren came into use by through spelling the word nerd backwards. The word dern stemmed from a misspelling of this term.
"...and the resulting galactic explosions will be..."
"Don't be such a dren!"
by Franny D March 1, 2009
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Some fuckin know-it-all who doesn't know shit. He will borrow money and never pay it back, but then you're a dumbass, cuz he said, "give me some money, bitch" and you did it anyway. He will also eat all your Hawaiian rolls, señorita bread, lumpia and cookie dough ice cream. He takes shits in strange places and doesnt wash his hands every time. He will also freak dance with your mom, auntie, sister, ex and current boo all in the same party if you dont pay close enough attention. This fuckin guy is a menace because he is pretty much good at anything he tries and he doesnt care about your feelings or who is watching.
"Oh shit, look there goes Dren Doh"
"What the fuck is a Dren Doh?"
"He's that magical silverback over there eating a custard donut that dripped into your wife's cleavage!"
"What the fuck!?"
by Birdy Sanchez November 25, 2021
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dren's hair is the best hair and nothing can beat it. All people should strive to get dren's hair. Nobody can have better hair than dren. its the best hair
did you see dren's hair? its amazing, I wish I had his hair
by RadicalRadish123 October 15, 2021
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Nerd spelt backwards

As used in Happy Days episode when Joannie Cunningham develops a crush on Potsie Weber
Dear Dren (because you’re the opposite of a nerd)
by Brawn Wurst October 17, 2021
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The absolute most perfect a person can be; the pinnacle of a human being.
Godlike being.
It's an honor meeting a Dren considering how they are basically gods.
by Allfactsnocapdef. November 23, 2021
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