An extension of the word "douche bag" that adds more meaning and severity to its meaning. Can also mean "jackass." Most used by Ray when he gets pissed at his football team.
"You Douchnozzle!"
"If I say the play is on 'Douchenozzle,' WE ARE GOING ON 'DOUCHENOZZLE' YOU DOUCHENOZZLES!
by Jack squared September 25, 2017
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Referring to a person that has passed the requirements for being a douchbag and thus has become a douchenozzle.
You are such a douche that I am deeming you a douchenozzle.
by sirconman July 7, 2009
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A member of the House of Representatives who can't muster the common courtesy not to heckle the President of the United States as if he was at dollar beer night at the local comedy club.
by PoliticalBoy September 11, 2009
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Someone who is entirely worthless, useless, scared, a wuss, a wimp, a douche, a loser, a dumbass, a failure, pathetic, uncool, and lame.
Guy 1: "Hey man, let's go talk to those chicks over there."
Guy 2: "No way man, my girl would get pissed at me if she saw me talking to them."
Guy 1: "Dude, your woman isn't even here! C'mon."
Guy 2: "Doesn't matter man, somehow, she would just know."
Guy 1: "Man, you are such a douchenozzle."
by RoninDH July 7, 2006
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A rare synonym of douchebag which replaces the feminine form of the bag with the masculine form of the nozzle. It is used mostly among certain feminists, along with dickbag, because they prefer to use masculine insults like dick rather than feminine insults like cunt regardless of the sex of the insultee.
That guy was such a douchenozzle
by sappin mah entry December 31, 2011
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A person who is totally out of touch with his surroundings, an idiot, fool, asshole, etc...
"That guy who sold me that broken palm pilot is a fucking Douchenozzle"
by Hanky November 12, 2002
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