A self described "standard jag off nightclub comedian" who does a webshow on youtube featuring his honest and direct commentary that shares his frustration with the state of current day affairs in a way that gets people to often find a laugh about quite miserable realities. He often says he would love to not be doing political commentary if he didn't feel that he had to because nobody else was pointing out the things that he notices about what's going on in politics. He has fans from both ends of the political spectrum and is often referred to as a straight shooter.

He is affiliated with and often a panel host on The Young Turks youtube platform and is the host of his own show on their network called, "Aggressive Progressives"

Some of his detractors say that he is a conspiracy theorist and/or a member of the "dum dum left"

Overall Jimmy seems to have people feel very strongly about him, Love or Hate in essence. But undeniable is his passion for the issues he feels matter most such as medicare for all, environmental protection legistlation, forming a third political party and ending US involvement in constant foreign wars.

Also, he popularized the term "double ck", if not invented it.
person a: Jimmy Dore is pissed off that the spineless dems chose corporations over us citizens again
person b: Oh.. well as you know I normally hate libs but for a lefty Jimmy's alright.
by Aurora Sunrise January 6, 2019
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A family of odd individuals who rule a German kingdom in the world of memes. It is not a good thing to be a part of the dores family. “Welcome to the dores family.” Is the worst thing to hear. You become a dores family member when you become a meme. You also enjoy eating poopoo like lovely peaches.
by Plantman332 May 29, 2020
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Making someone / scamming some to walk backwards while moving .
Damn my back hurts from moving .

Haha you got Jan-Dored
by DirtDubya May 30, 2021
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He's basically what Alex Jones would be if he were a radical leftist & a washed-up comedian.
Jimmy Dore is a fucking nutjob who had to hop on the Bernie Bro bandwagon because he has no talent as a comedian.
by Soul_Driver January 24, 2021
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Jimmy Dore as Abraham Lincoln said is “the worlds last great hope
by Eric01031 July 26, 2022
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A: How do they say "lemon" in Japanese?
A random weeb: Yume naraba dore hodo yokatta deshou.
by happinessisntreal March 10, 2020
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Usually a crackhead. Theo requires military-grade tranquilizers to function throughout the day. You might see Theo's spawn after watching enough Jojo's Bizzare Adventure. Theo sacrificed dick points at birth to invest them into speech speed. Be wary of Theo as he might bore you with anime lore.
"Have you seen Theo (dore)?"
"Nah, hes prolly playing Overwatch and downing tylenol"
by ZuccoMode March 23, 2022
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