
1. A site where Progressives and Liberals can discuss, and often disagree, on the state of this country.

2. A site where thinking people can conjugate and be free of the incessant RW claptrap that passes as "thought"

3. A site where Progressives and Liberals find solace in a Sea of Hatred tossed by RW fanatics.
I went to Democratic Underground, to be a part of a Thinking world that is looking forward to no longer being "Underground", but Free to discuss the problems the RW has vented upon the world, without being slandered.
by rasputin1952 January 14, 2005
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A message board full of white faux liberal racists who are in lockstep with the Democratic Party. They'll also vote for anyone with a D by their name as long as they're not
Do you read the newest thread about police violence on Democratic Underground? They think we need more funding for the police and less for education and social programs.
by December 11, 2020
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