1. when a male asks a female to prevent another female from advancing on him

-In party situations, first female will often dance with male

-Similar to a cock block, but instead prevents a female

-A male in this situation should only ask a close female friend to do this
Guy: Yo man this girl was creepin' on me hard last night at the club, but I was with some close friends and asked one of 'em if she could cunt stunt the creep.

Girl: Johnny asked me to cunt stunt for him so this grenade would stop trying to freak with him, but I told him we weren't close enough for that.
by giveherassanine January 3, 2011
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The female equivalent of a Cock Block. When a female interferes, either intentionally or accidentally, with the chances of another female scoring some dick.
"Jenny! What the fuck? YOU SPILT A DRINK ON ME! I was totally about to get some dick off of this guy! Ultimate Cunt Stunt."

by KardiTheLobet April 17, 2009
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A female cock block.
A female who interjects herself between a man and clearly interested woman.
Catelynn: "I was talking to Jose when Sharon walked right inbetween us and asked him if he wanted to dance."

Kourtney: "Wow, what a cunt stunter"
by Lilswagg July 27, 2011
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I was mackin on this guy when all of a sudden this other girl came up and cunt stunted my game.
by Killa Kirt January 28, 2013
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When a person who is a cunt acts in a manner true to his/her character.
Zumas latest cunt stunt is firing the minister of finance
by Ftwfrankie March 31, 2017
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Noun. (1) A back-stabbing cunt who plays games in an effort to intentionally make you look bad to someone of importance to you; i.e., your boss, friend, et cetera.
(2) A person who pulls stunts for the sake of causing trouble; most generally to make someone look bad and to make them look good for their own personal gain.
Jen: "Mindy was again talking trash about you in the building."

Audra: "What a Stunt Cunt! She so wants me fired."
by Victim 1029 October 1, 2006
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A mistress, girlfriend, or one night hookup used to perfect sexual positions and moves
You better try that on a stunt cunt before you do it to your wife!
by brew14me July 31, 2009
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