'Cool Yo Ass' is a phrase used to tell someone to either shut up, step back from a confrontation with the person who is saying the phrase or to tell an individual, or group of persons, to 'be cool', to 'calm down' and/or 'step back' from the situation.

'Cool Yo Ass' is a much much cooler way of saying 'calm down', 'chill out' or any other type of similar phrasing.

To 'Cool Yo Ass' is to either simply be cool or to 'have a Coke an a smile and chill the f**k out'

The action of 'Cool Yo Ass' (or more correctly 'Cooling Yo Ass') is to remain totally cool, calm and collective and basically 'brush the dirt off your shoulders' like it 'ain't no thang'.

This term was coined approximately around May 2009 in the city of Christchurch in Canterbury, New Zealand by a group of stand-up dudes who wish to remain nameless. So Cool Yo Ass...
Luke: "Oh my God! Duuuude, you just knocked that bouncer clean the fuck out!!! The cops are going to arrest us!!!"

Kane: "Cool Yo Ass."


Wendy (the racist bar manager/owner): "You, you and you, get the f**k out of my club now! ...I hate you Coconuts and Maoris!"

Kane: "Bitch, cool yo ass."
by Kommi Knocker June 5, 2009
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Incredibly cool, like kick ass yet so much better. Kick ass cool is used to define only the coolest;)
That John kid is kick ass cool.
by dork March 31, 2005
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a person who can do whatever he/she wants and calls everyone a clown. Also lives a hardcore gangsta life 24/7
Did you see the way Kimmy called Jr./Jenna/Alex a clown? She is so kick ass cool
by k-funk August 14, 2006
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It say it been a long time or haven't talked in a while
Foo 1: bro hyb its been a cool ass min since we talked
Foo 2 : it been arl
by Slay.t3mper September 26, 2020
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A laid back gurl with a towel turban and a poop emoji blanket.
DANM I didn't know I look like this! I look like a cool ass chick - Sister
by Ace Ninja December 4, 2018
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A pimped- out car for picking up hookers, usually with an exceptionally loud horn.
"Damn, that's a cool- ass honkie".
by Aust January 15, 2018
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Chad: yo john whos ur new girl?
John: Lily
Chad: damn. Ur dating one cool ass bitch
John: ya ik
by Ignite_the_nite December 5, 2020
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