Cilla is the COOLEST girl that anyone has ever met, excluding Lyre. Although she has 3 nipples and may be retarded, we all accept her for woh she is MUHAHAHA...
Hey is that Cilla?
Nope it's just a dog.
by cool guy April 25, 2004
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a cilla psycho is the worst type of psycho you can get, it means they're paranoid, hated, screwed up, over reactive, insecure, clingy, desperate, big mouthed, sneaky, nosey, crazy, mental, friendless and love to bitch but have no idea how to back themselves up.
girl 1 - that girl hates me because im friends with her ex

girl 2- don't pay any attention to her shes a cilla psycho!
by cillapsycho August 25, 2009
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Cilla Blacks Lettuce is a term used to describe a vagina that is not as tight as it once was, and may be a slightly green colour.

The phrase was coined on The Manchester Weekend of Mayhem
For Example: After a night of heavy smoking , one may wake at 5 am and state " My mouth tastes like Cilla Blacks Lettuce"
by GS Records April 6, 2010
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Rylan : cillas a egg :)
by muffinszs April 29, 2022
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