abbrieviation for machine, and one who doesnt miss any type of basketball shot ever.

the concept of missing a shot doesnt apply
I was like the chine at marks house
by chine1122 July 16, 2011
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Acne that is exclusively on someones chin. Mostly happens to athletes who need chin-straps for sports (football, lacrosse, hockey etc.)
Tom was a cool kid but never could hook up with a girl beacuse he had terrible chine.
by tbull07 May 11, 2007
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Chining is when you preform the act of rubbing your chin against anothers chin or sexual feature e.g. Boobs or Genitalia.
Jayden: Hi Alex can I chin your sister tonight
Alex: That's not my sister that's your mum, oh wait so you have been CHINING your mum?
Jayden: Oh yeah and I found a Iphone and £10's today
by Ebsterh12 November 21, 2012
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1. Of or pertaining to the vaginal section of the female body.
2. What my sister had for dinner last night.
It was a blind date, so I just pretended she was storing fish in her chine, just so I wouldn't seem rude.
by SirThomas August 26, 2003
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To remove oneself; to leave.
I'll see you later Whitney, I'm chine to bed.
by Jake Parsons January 22, 2006
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What it sounds like when punks say "chileeee"
Are you going to the club?

Chine I ain't about to go out there with those tired girls!
by Cblaster March 28, 2011
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The insipid, Asian influenced instrumental music on constant rotation at every suburban strip mall Pan-Asian joint. It is typically reminiscent of every Kenny G soprano sax song you hate, or Asian interpretation of Beatles’ songs.
The sound of that backlit fake waterfall is not enough to drown out the Chinee G.
by Plasty 333 May 9, 2018
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