The act of taking a shit in a car via the sunroof. To make this official, there must be kids inside but the act of doing must be done so without prior knowledge of anyone being present.
Jimmy McGill Chicago sunroofed a mustang. Unbeknownst to him, there were children present.
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The act of defecating through the open windshield of a car.
Jimmy McGill unknowingly pulled a Chicago Sunroof on a car full of children in Better Call Saul.
by EKACNAP April 7, 2015
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Placing your penis on the head of a unsuspecting person especially a bears fan in a public place
I totally gave Mike Ditka a Chicago sunroof
by dirty beaner February 17, 2015
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Positioning one's rectum directly onto the air intake of the victim's sleep apnea machine then farting, thereby pressurizing the evil stench before slamming it at a high rate of speed and pressure through the mask , nose and lungs of the unlucky victim.
After stealthily entering the abode of mine enemy with the intent and malice aforethought of delivering unto him a Chicago Sunroof, I looked upon him did see that he wore a sleep apnea mask. And this was bad, for a mask would surely be of hindrance to said delivery. And so I thought hastily and did contrive of a new delivery system. A system even more heinous than usual. And hence I did drop trou and placed my rectum directly upon the air intake of his sleep apnea machine and did unleash the darkness that dwells within my bowels, hence, inventing the Chicago Sunroof Turbo.
by Seven62 February 22, 2015
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It is a sunroof on the top of a car in Chicago.
Oh damn, he be rocking the Chicago Sunroof drip!
That car is dripped out with the Chicago Sunroof!
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The act of hovering directly over the face of a sleeping or otherwise unsuspecting person while spreading your as cheeks as wide as your ballon-knot permits. Next, proceed to unleash a monster fart directly on them, thus producing a stench filled wind indicative of the Windy City itself.
After a long night of felching for duckbutter, Lou Skunt decided to pay his gay lover back by giving him a Chicago Sunroof, so he cocked his hemorrhoid infested asshole over his nose and fluttered a gale force ass-bomb so windy that it permanemtly parted his mustache.
by FupaGunt February 17, 2015
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A sexual position consisting of the male reclining in the drivers seat of a car with an open sunroof. The female then rides the male while her upper body sticks out of the sunroof with her boobs resting on the top of the car.
It was a simple Chicago Sunroof!
by mikezilla February 17, 2015
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