Champagne is a sparkling wine made under strict regulations in Champagne, France. Champagne Only Comes From Champagne,
I just love Roederer Champagne as it is a wonderful blend of Chardonnay, Meunier and Pinot Noir grapes grown in Champagne. There are many quality sparkling wines in the world, including Roederer Estate from California, yet Champagne only comes from Champagne, France. However, US consumers need to be careful as some US producers mislabel their wine Champagne eventhough it doesn't come from France. Examples of "false Champagnes" include Korbel, Tott's and André.
by mmmmmm bubbles February 9, 2006
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Reference to an underage, yet desirable female. Used due to similar characteristics: (1) alcohol enriched and (2) aged for approximately 15 years.
While at a party.

Guy 1: “Look at her. How old you think she is?”

Guy 2: “’bout 15 or 16”

Guy 1 & 2: “Champagne!.”

The two gentlemen proceed to touch fists in a celebratory fashion.

History of the word:

During a party I noticed several really hot yet underage young ladies. As a joke I told my friend, "I like my women how i like my champagne...full of alcohol and aged for 15 years". It has now found its way into our vocabulary.
by Mauro Aguilar June 1, 2007
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noun: A feigned injury. (Also the name of a drink the ambulance chasers toast on)
Guy 1: Woah! Did you see that footballer dive seconds after contact then roll around like he's been shot?!

Guy 2: Yeah, man! He's well exhibiting Champagne! I hope he gets a red card, then actually shot!
by Effsix July 11, 2010
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Something that is expensive but appears cheap. This can include Paris Hilton's outfits, rice cars, and live Bette Midler performances.
"That new Gucci bag is so champagne!"
by ldne May 14, 2005
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what you smokin on? Some champagne.
by d-boy July 9, 2005
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Champagne is to take your dick and swing it around while pissing so you piss all over the place.
I'm on a party at this asshole's house and I have to go to the restroom. Champagne!!!!!!!!!
by dutchtree109 October 27, 2013
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How this sparkling, dry, white table wine from the region of Champagne in France should be pronounced.
Champagne said like "Sham-pag-nay"
by Partyhoe May 19, 2017
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