A Canadian. Also the name of a hockey team.
I live in Canada, I'm a Canuck.
by left4ded March 24, 2005
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There is a theory that the word is derived from Connaught, a term said to be given by French Canadians to the Irish. The Oxford Companion To The English Language (defines the term as): Canuck 1820’s. Probably from the Iroquoian "CANUCHSA", someone in a "KANATA"(village)…but possibly from Hawaiian "KANAKA" (man), through a pidgin used in the fur trade (in which Pacific islanders were employed), and taken into French as "CANAQUE", perhaps being originally applied to French Canadian canoemen. A nickname for a Canadian…but in the U.S. Northeast pejoratively referring to French Canadians.
Why is it Canucks always have the most intelligent answers?
Because Canucks rule!
by SMART CANUCK May 19, 2004
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Slang term for a canadian, a canadian hocky team,
You live in Canada, so you must be a canuck, Vancover canucks
by tenchu November 12, 2003
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They are my favourite hockey team in the whole world, and I will cheer for them forever. I am very fortunate and privileged to be able to go to GM Place many times a season. I still have great memories of their early 90's seasons, when I first became a fan.
The Vancouver Canucks give me a warm sense of pride. Go Canucks!
by ThreeTimesOneMinusOne December 7, 2004
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1. a term used for canadian, simular of that Yankee is for Americans
2. A hockey team in Vancity BC with a hot coach (Marc Crawford)
also see cafucks casucks
1. Damn canucks coming south for the winter!
2. Marc Crawford, coach of the canucks, has a huge cock
by coca October 31, 2003
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