A sexy game (usually in public restrooms) involving 2 lesbians, a straight girl, tennis racquets, and Listerine.
I'm not very good at cantaloupe.
by Tybalt D August 25, 2008
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A being which seems to possesses no limbs, as the shape of said being obscures them.
Jim: Look at the size of that homeless fellow.

Reuben: Cantalouper.
by MelonLiquor June 23, 2014
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When you take a tortillia, put it up your asshole and then feed it to your younger sister.
Boy 1: Man my parents turned mad when I did the cantaloupe yesterday
Boy 2: Oh dude that sucks
by Bigger Smoke November 21, 2019
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Your testicles, man.
Jesus that crazy bitch kicked me in the cantaloupes, man. I be singin soprano for the next week or so fo shizzles.
by Beninski May 20, 2009
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when a couple can't elope and get married; when you can't run away and get married.


Ha Ha Ha
my friends parents cantaloupe.
by guitar tab April 14, 2011
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orange, c-shaped fruit.
Elad didn't want to eat the cantaloupe because he's a vegetarian.
by Meimay February 22, 2008
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A made up word for a rockmelon. However, some Victorians and Western Australians may try to convince you otherwise. They should be ridiculed for their stupidity and shunned from society.
Person 1: Man i love cantaloupe!
Person 2: WTF is cantaloupe!? its called a rockmelon retard!
by Instigator101 October 30, 2008
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