A tournament invented by 4 jackasses that ended up being the biggest tourney in the world. This tourney is LIT AF and is nationally recognized by woj espn and Pornhub. This tourney is a tourney of those who are considered elite players aka Big George ( the face of cgi) and Zion Williamson. This tourney has attracted some of the biggest names in basketball history which includes the ball brothers, Josh Cervantes, Frankie Garcia, and Jonathan Garcia. this tourney attracts all 10 of the top 10 3v3 teams in the nation. Teams call everyday trying to get into the tourney and have big signing every other day. We had Duke, Wall, And the Ft Davis Indians 8-0 district champs calling us to get in. The term cgi is an abbreviation to CHAYO GONZALES INVITATIONAL if you aren’t invited your aren’t a big baller and you suck ass. This is not for clout we do it to help raise for they chayo Gonzales foundation. The fee to get in is for those who can afford the enormous price of 10 mil winner takes all. Follow @chayogonzalesinvitational to get in if your trying to get nutted on.
The cgi is gonna be lit this yeaf
by Thunder rain god March 21, 2019
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The worst thing to ever happen to modern Sci-Fi film.
Terminator, Aliens, Hellraiser: those days are gone....
by Bob Keen February 27, 2005
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Crazy language of doomy doom. Used in webpages such as Hotmail to confuse simple-minders.
My mum knows alot of CGI.
by Bastardized Bottomburp March 18, 2003
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Ex-Arm. That's all I should need to say
Person 1: Have you heard about that new anime Ex-Arm?
Person 2: The one with the bad cgi?
Person 1: Yeah...finally something worse than Berserk 2016-
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A movie with filled with long CGI special effects scenes, loosely connected by short scenes with minimal plot.
Day After Tommorrow,
by wayne June 21, 2004
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1. The excessive use of CGI (Computer Generated Images) in a poorly written film, generally with dizzying special visual effects.

2. The garish bastardization of Maya; using a highly revered and sophisticated program on a simple and cheesy movie to boost profit (sometimes from excitable children).
At the premier of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith everyone was excited, but after the "has love blinded you" scene along with the numerous transitions of spaceships landing, a fan dressed as a Jedi screamed "What the fuck with the CGI Porn, Lucas?"
by OddEdges February 1, 2006
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