Cock For Balls. When someone has a cock instead of balls.
That guy is so lame, he has CFB
by Mcksco March 29, 2017
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When you get bloated after eating an amount of food small or large
Ughhhhh I just ate steak & shake and now I have a bad case of the CFB
by A-Trainn March 1, 2018
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Cool from birth. The type of people that are cool no matter where they are and always have been. In any setting they’ll immediately make friends with other cool people and be top tier. It’s inexplicable and comes to them naturally.
She’s a total CFB. No matter where she goes she’ll be popular.
by T-moneyyy January 12, 2021
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Cunt-Faced Bastard

An insult affectionately used in some areas of southern England. Abbreviated to avoid the outrage caused by the use of the word "cunt" in some households with children.
Teenager: Mum, Joe's walking around in his boxers. He just farted on the dog.

Mum: What a CFB!
by Buggy rofl. April 20, 2010
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Come Fuck me Boots

those damn fine-ass boots girls wear.
God damn! Dood, she's got CFB!
by Jeff October 4, 2004
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a cfb stands for "cute filipino boy"-- a filipino boy who is more attractive than the average filipino. one person can have up to three dedicated cfbs and they are extremely hard to locate.
wow that boy is MY cfb

he's my new cfb
by elbow1143 July 14, 2019
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