Bruiser is short and has never owned a DSM
by TheMan April 21, 2005
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dog that does not know how mean and destructive he can be
hey bruiser ,stp that
by bruice April 9, 2017
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Someone who does an incredibly good job on something.
Did you meet the new guitarist for our band? He is a real bruiser!
by Peter Ubik April 10, 2008
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A game where you slug someone whenever you see a PT Cruiser on the road. Similar to slug bug.
by Slugger August 28, 2004
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term given to a sexually active male that displays the ability to bruise vagina's in the process of sexual intercourse.
Person A: "Dude, my girlfriend's ex-boyfriend was a real cunt bruiser."

Person B: "How can you tell?"

Person A: "Better question, how can't you? Ever seen Saw II?"
by van Orden December 14, 2010
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Defecating in a sock and proceeding to beat someone mercilessly with it
Will was pissing me off, so I gave him a brown bruiser. He'll be showering and licking his wounds for days.
by charliechaplin33 September 24, 2009
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