A girl that commonly gets mistaken for a slut or being easy, but often is a smart and beautiful person. She knows what she is talking about and can be very wise.

The nicest sweetes person you will ever meet
She is always there for you.

Females whose parents thought the name was beautiful. Mostly over used in the 13-27 year old age bracket. Often mistaken as a slut most brittney's dispise the name for the confusion that they are whores

A female name, most commonly used in America for girls born in the 80's and 90's. Usually a very unique and outgoing person who makes friends with everyone. Commonly mistaken as a slut (by jealous women) because they often have more friends of the opposite sex (usually football players, wrestlers, swim team hotties, and other types jocks)

Brittney's are usually that girl who dates the QB and gets homecomeing queen. They are also the adventurous type (ex. sky diving, bungee jumping)

They fall for men easily and hate being descibed as a whore
man brittneys are awesome i wish i was one:)
by derrick456489756 October 25, 2008
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Brittney is an amazing, beautiful girl with an outstanding personality. Most people say that Brittney is a slut, or easy but she is actually nowhere near. She is the prettiest girl you'll ever see and wherever she goes, people stare because she always looks stunning. She has gorgeous and luscious hair that is beautiful no matter how she has it. If you meet a Brittney, you are lucky but make sure you are kind and loyal to her because if you make one wrong move she will make sure you learned your lesson.
Woah what happened to that dudes car?

He called Brittney a slut.
by 32502 November 6, 2016
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Usually a brown haired girl who loves to talk. She is exceptionally intelligent and loves to learn new things. She is crazy and random. Usually a loud mouth and doesn't know when to stop talking. But she is loved by all. Brittneys are very caring. Sometimes she gets on people's nerves due to her smart-mouth. But all in all, she's a great girl.
Person 1 - She won't stop talking!
Person 2 - Duh, she's a Brittney...
by PaulerSmaller July 8, 2011
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Brittney’s are usually blonde hairs with BIG attitudes. They are really outgoing through and will do anything in their power to make you laugh. They like having a good time!
Dude: Hey Brittney you are so funny 😂

Brittney: Yeah I know 😂👍
by pannikin23 November 2, 2019
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A very beautiful girl that doesn’t play and is sometimes mean but funny and she doesn’t like drama but if you come her way she will drop you and she is kind at times and a very good friend talk to and be around.
“Hey that’s Brittney she is a very good friend and she is beautiful”

by Clair😅😅 May 14, 2018
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A beautiful girl often mistaken for a slut. When most people see a Brittney they usually have something that makes them standout (Large Boobs, Ass, Eyes, etc..) Brittneys are nice and caring. Often have many haters and take everything to heart if you ever meet a Brittney don't let her go, she'll go really far with you and won't give you second chances often. They have amazing personalities and can be annoying at times. Not to mention total badasses, always the first to do something.
Sam: Dammmmn!

Riley: What?

Sam: Check her out!

Riley: Oh that's brittney.

Sam: She's HOT

Riley: Yeah & She has a nice personality.

Sam: AND SHE'S FUCKING HOT! I'd tap that!

Riley: No Shit.
by MusicRomance May 25, 2010
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Brittney is a sexybeast who all the guys want!! She is amazing in bed and is a keeper; if you ever get the chance to be with her stay with her she'll be the best you EVER had (:
She's got to be a BRITTNEY ; i just got a boner
by onlytheebaddest December 26, 2011
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