A mixed word meaning Boss and Awesome.
"Woah dude! look at that Possum he's a boss and he's awesome!"
"Just call him a Bossome Possum!"
"That's so Bossome Dude!!!"
by Sydney L. R. September 21, 2009
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Used to describe something as being quite boss and awesome at the same time.
See definitions of boss and awesome for further understanding of the word.
My 2003 Honda Accord is rather bossome.

by Epic Boss July 30, 2008
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Boss and Awesome mixed together.
Billy: Dang Kayla you're a boss!

Kayla: Billy you're awesome!

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Boss and awesome combined!
if someone uses this word to describe someone....you are amazing! af
"You are just...BOSSOME!"
by PFUDORLUV May 20, 2016
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a combination of boss meaning cool and awesome meaning awesome
Your boss your awesome your....BOSSOME!!!!
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Boss + Awesome = Bossome

boss: Cool. Awesome. Someone who runs sh@! in his/her hood or city.

awesome: Slang for very impressive.

Bossome marries the two at moments when both of those definitions are incredibly and powerfully true.

Boss + Awesome = Bossome
John Wall on a fast break is 100% bossome.

Aw, sick! Those new kicks are bossome!
by TheRealAwhit April 22, 2011
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