The word A girl uses to tell her friends she’s just lost her virginity

A word used to describe a girl whos just lost her virginity

To bluebird - when two ppl have been speaking for a bit decide to meet up just to have sex for one time only
Natasha- did you fuck Tom

Michele - bluebird

Nathan- did ya fuck Michele

Tom - Bluebirded her bruv

Nathan - yes fella
by Timothy green July 4, 2019
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A Marten Company truck. Called this due to the blue bird that is the company symbol and prominate on the company's trailers.
That Bluebird was haulin ass down the interstate.
by mahlerssecond September 15, 2007
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A cunt who comes from Cardiff.
Fuck i think he was a Bluebird...lets batter him!!!
by mike hunt December 11, 2003
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Made for bogans and grandmothers this "vehicle" is based on the flaccid 1.3L ride-on lawnmower engine. A combination of this and the shopping-trolley chassis makes for an underwhelmingly characterless, cloying, colorless, commonplace, dead, drab, drag, drudging, dull, flat car. Often these characteristics are reflected by the driver. Brown wagon variances are known as Blueturds. Drivers of these have been known to exhibit homosexual tendencies. Beware these mullet machines on the road as they may block entire roads with flat tires, exhaust fumes as they have a tendency to roll.
I'm a bogan with a mullet, I drive a bluebird.
by Us March 10, 2003
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In the John Lee Hooker "Bluebird" I believe that he may be calling a USPS truck a bluebird, because he tells the bluebird to "Bluebird, please take this letter down south for me", I have never heard Postal trucks called bluebirds elsewhere, but in the context of the song it makes sense, but also, I'm from Seattle, John Lee Hooker is definitely from the South and our dialects are very different.
Bluebird, please take this letter down south for me.
by AndrewZM October 17, 2007
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A bright, clear, sunny day after a night of snowfall.
Nothing is prettier than a January bluebird day in Seattle.
by Emersonia December 12, 2011
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