A lifestyle you follow after getting fucked over or when you want to change your life for the better
Guy 1: didn’t she cheat on you? How are you doing?
Guy 2: I’m fine, the bitchening is helping me get over her and getting jacked
by TBIU May 8, 2022
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A room that consists of a bedroom and a kitchen combined. Where your woman can cook for you and have sex with you. And if she's really talented, both at the same time.
"When we was done gettin it on, I smacked that ass and she stood right up and started cookin me some eggs in our newly renovated bitchen"

"Damn, she was doin work in the bitchen this morning. She was makin some bread and I was makin some buns in the oven if you know what im sayin"
by Daniel Smith aka Dislexsik Dan February 8, 2010
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The female version of the mancave. Where women should spend most of their time.
"Woman, get in that bitchen and make me a samich!"
by SupaDave999 November 4, 2009
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