A complete and utter failure of the government to predict or control inflation.
“ wow bidenomics is ruining lives! God bless America! “
by VarsityMP August 20, 2023
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Economic Theory and Policy that defies all standards of reasonableness.
Joe Biden’s proposal to spend $370 billion of borrowed money and pitch it as inflation reducing is just another example of Bidenomics.
by #Megamind July 31, 2022
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Bidenomics, the high inflation Americans are feeling everywhere. When you go to the store, expect something to cost $2.00 big instead it costs $20.00
What, this hamburger, fries and Coke costs $20, frigging Bidenomics.

The way prices keep going up you would think we are in Argentina, not the USA, frigging Bidenomics.
by Chicagos Jay June 29, 2023
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In order to practice Bidenomics you must take a thriving United States economy and turn it to complete shit with job killing regulations, higher taxes and general Democrat slapdickery.
Johnny: Have you seen whats going on in Venezuela? It's a complete shithole! People are starving and eating their fucking pets! It's a disaster!

Dave: Yeah man, that's Bidenomics for ya! If destroying nations is your thing then Bidenomics is the way to go
by geederd November 29, 2020
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A program of borrowing and spending that results in inflation, slow economic growth, increased credit card debt, rising interest rates, burdensome regulation, declining real wages, runaway government spending, and cash payments funneled through corrupt foreign governments to enrich the Biden family and their cronies, defended by gaslighting, redefinition of economic terms and censorship of social media.
My 401K has lost half its value under Bidenomics.
by Brandon's Ghost August 2, 2023
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Bidenomics is about growing the economy from the middle out and the bottom up, not the top down.

It's an economic vision where we make smart investments in America, educate and empower American workers, and promote competition to lower costs and help small businesses.
"I don't think Bidenomics is a good idea."
"I disagree, however I'm glad we can have differing opinions and still remain good friends."
Then they hug and live happily ever after.
by anguslazy June 28, 2023
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An economic strategy based on making central banks print money to "bide" time, until a necessary recession is allowed to happen. At which point a nasty recession hits the world.

Usually, Bidenomics is a political strategy to bide time until a general election happens, only after which do politicians let things crash out.
Shit dog, the cost of everything keeps going up, who the hell can afford things yo?

Well dude the stock market, real estate and crypto markets keep going up too... so, its likely the rich mofos who already own everything, who can afford all the inflated cost shit. Meanwhile the rest just gets more and more debt.

Damn, they didn't teach this in high school. Its neofeudalism.

Well, Ponzi scheme world is by design yo. Just bide time until it happens. Its Bidenomics.

Ahh. Word.
by RonoMacco June 29, 2023
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