Bernice is a beautiful name for gorgeous women and girls. Bernice means precious and priceless.
by elfy12345 January 28, 2008
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A way of organizing the kingdom in which the queen (aka Bernice) is in control of all the citizens in the kingdom. They must agree and follow the rules of Bernicism.
Bernicism is the ideology of Bernice Party ruling the Bernice Kingdom.

Codymator is the lead opposer of Bernicism.
by yooo_487 January 13, 2023
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Bernice is a girl/lady with a lot of presence and personality. Usually poised upright with good posture and sporting heavy white-gold jewellery and pink accessories. Although social, she will defend her turf when necessary and can spot a threat well ahead of time. Bernice’s choice of vehicles to drive include either a Nissan Cube, Suzuki Swift or Honda Jazz, usually fluorescent colour with chrome hub caps and exhaust tips.
Although presenting herself well generally, she can sometimes overdo it and come of as piss-elegant.
What’s wrong?”
Oh my Chihuahua is being a real little Bernice this morning”
by the_definer_me March 5, 2021
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A religion based upon Bernice. To become a berniceist you must pray to the one true god Bernice. You must relinquish all bodily desires and give it up to Bernice. Once a month you must strip naked and howl at the full moon while yelling I’m an animal.
Berniceism, in ancient literature a Bernice is depicted as a monkey wearing the skin of a 16 year old, others say she’s like a gremlin that barely comes out of her cave. But all in all people conclude “she looks like every other bitch.”
by Bernicefollower May 2, 2021
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Means ''bringer of victory''
a creative person,and mostly a pushover.
pretty with small imperfections.childish and cheerful.a daydreamer.kind and caring.
possibility of being a bookworm.
fren:hey bernice!
bernice:hey wads up???
fren:treat me to a drink!
bernice:ok lets go to the bar....!

next day~
fren:yo bernice!!omg,ytd i went to the bar n tis hawt guy asked 4 my no.!!!!
by hopstepjump August 2, 2009
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Verb. Used when you’re whipped for your crush so much that you will spend 2k of your money just even though you’re broke just to please them.
Bernice: last gastos ko na to.

Dylan: hi

Bernice: suddenly I’m rich.
by urlocalpokpok August 27, 2019
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Bernice is a iconic girlie|
Hot hair
Hot style
Hot mom
Bernice is hot.
by Fr_smartass November 22, 2021
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