Having sex then getting a bath then what ever you want.
Me and the Misses had a Bed Bath and Beyond last night.
by Smigs February 3, 2007
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Where you go to bed, take a bath, then dream about why you're bathing while you're asleep.
"He drowned in his sleep."
"He went to bed, bath, and beyond."
by Victor Gray March 18, 2010
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Bed Bath and Beyond a Doubt — a headline trumpeting the ridiculous fact that former President. Donald J. Trump his secret documents in an easily accessible bathroom at Mar-a-Largo. There are both photographs and video footage to document this.

Dolt 45 hid secret documents in an easily accessible bathroom documented by visual evidence in photographs and video taping Bed Bath and Beyond a Doubt.

I wonder if our enemies got 20% off coupons while reading our secrets after their infiltration of Mar-a-Largo?
Dolt 45 hid secret documents in an easily accessible bathroom documented by visual evidence in photographs and video taping Bed Bath and Beyond a Doubt.
by Mind Hunter the Profiler June 12, 2023
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Describing boredom that is out of this world, totally unbearable
I am so bored

Oh yeah? Well I'm bed bath and beyond bored
by DizzyLizzy March 26, 2007
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A phrase that plays on the store name Bed Bath & Beyond - used when you are completely tired, over and most importantly, DONE with someone/something.
Person A: Guess what? I told person C that you like them by accident, I'm so sorry.
Person B: I am bed bath and beyond done with you right now.
by BedBathAndBeyondDone September 14, 2013
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I have finally figured out what "Beyond" in "Bed Bath & Beyond" stands for... Yup, that's right, it's "Beyond Reasonable". As in, Good lord! The number and names of all these soap products is simply beyond reasonable!
Lynda: "Honey, I need to stop in Bed Bath and Beyond to pick up some hand soap."

Marty: "Okay."

An hour later my checking account is -$200 as we walk out with a huge bag full of 12 different kinds of hand soap, 20 candles, 10 new shower puffs, and a new set of hand towels to go with the new hand soap...

Lynda: "I love that store."

Marty: "That was Bed Bath & Beyond Reasonable. Next time, can we just go to Safeway and get some Dial hand soap?"
by m_piet April 28, 2010
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An amazing Fortnite themed hotel that will personally give you Type-2 Cancer©.
Fork Knife Bed & Bath caters to all of your 7-year old needs!
by Le epic biggie cheese December 2, 2019
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