A head accessory. Mark of the hipster and cool cat. Most commonly worn as a thin strip with the knot on top of the head or with the knot behind the hair.
Sierra: Wow, Wendy has a wicked bandana! Hipsters are really cool. But not the older ones, like, 40. No.

Fiona: Yeah, Cat the Cool Cat also has a cool bandana. Pretty swindy-dink.
by Weirdo asdfghjkl March 6, 2013
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shit i was walkin down the street and this korean boy was wearin a bandana so i said "take that nigga hat off boy"
by AD from seatown April 24, 2007
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A word you can teach to your friends to make them look like a fool. I.E. It means nothing....
Arg, That was so bandannas.
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Originally meant to be Vandana( referring to pooja, ie prayers for bhagwan), this irrecoverable misspelt name found it's way to sarkari documents and the person is then left with never ending explanation to people that the name starts with B and not V.
I am Bandana, it's my name.

by Desidonquixote September 9, 2021
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What someone says when they fart and burp at that same time. Although very rare, it is a useful word to let someone know that those two body functions happened.
Victor-"Hey guys? Guess What?.....Bandana...."

Jeff-"Yeah right, that never happens"

Kwon-"Well I just heard him burp"

****30 Seconds Later*****

Jeff-"OMG! What is that smell? YOU DID FART?"
by Kreg Keagy July 21, 2008
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Many people think a white bandana is gang related but it actually means unity. It makes different groups of people coming together, but for a positive cause.
"you gunna get shot out here reppin a color; throw on this white bandana and we can all bang together."
by Trouser_Taco69 March 4, 2017
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