Ferking is a nautical term derived from the or pearl punishment of the chief / cook or ships mate who spoils the food being prepared. This could be buring the food, letting it go off or failing to ensure th Ferk (barrel lid) is securely fastened, so as to preserve the stored perishables for the voyage. Ferking is done like applied punishment, with the use of paddles and other instruments in both S&M today and in the discipline in olden days.

Today it's more commonly used as a less offensive alternative to Fucking (Forniction under the command of the King) as a derogatory swear word for implied sexul performance. In any case Ferking still replicates the expression of disappointment and disapproval of a person, situation.
You are Ferking terrible at cooking.

The Cook didn't put the Ferk on properly and the fruit has turned. He's getting a good Ferking for that.
by PhattGreg April 10, 2015
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a nerd who's also a freak, a ferk
man, you're such a ferk!
by em4rc January 2, 2009
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Ferks means whatever you want it to. No-one knows the true meaning of a Ferks but the person who said it.
What the Ferks? How is your Ferks today?
by Grandad Ferks July 2, 2009
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a f*cking jerk
some dude just knocked my books on the gound! he was a total ferk.
by 2smartone(: September 9, 2010
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Der ferk is a cleaner replacement for what the fuck. Used in mixed company, like in front of parents or teachers.
Dude, I got a 98 on that math test!
Der ferk? You stayed out partying last night, how'd you pull that off?
by totalg33k January 17, 2011
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The Swedish Chef coined translation of W.T.F., appropriate for incognito cursing around small children, marionettes, puppets or on television. It’s use is frowned upon in IKEA where Swedish vernacular is commonplace.
IKEA: “we’re ert of der meatballs.”
Me: “Vert der Ferk! You think I’m here for furniture?”
IKEA: “gert ert.”
by Bonehead September 8, 2021
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Vert der ferk !!!!?!?? MOM ! Why would you flush my sack of fine China white heroin??
by R00T B33R October 7, 2020
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