The act of a mother or father using their child to gain attention.
My Cousin applesauced the party.
My Uncle applesauced the funeral.
I was in the hospital after a car crash, but my Sister applesauced me.
by Bosox099 September 29, 2009
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the feeling of being an apple that was left on the tree when all the rest were harvested and then picked only to be put in a jar as applesauce.
He makes me feel like applesauce

Today i feel really applesauce
by hmmmcheerioslala September 4, 2020
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To completely obliterate your opponent to the point at which all that remains resembles freshly splattered Applesauce.
While Playing Gears of War with Hound, I Applesauced my opponent with one shot to the chest with my Shotgun.
by Mario Baeza August 3, 2007
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When the shit you just took is soooo disgustingly mushy that no wiping will clean your ass resulting in crap all over your underpants.
Man, I had some bad diarrhea last night. My shorts are stickin' up my butt. I think I got some applesauce goin' on down there.
by airbiscuit December 22, 2008
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when you take a large shit out of your tight asshole and you forgot you have a little shit left inside hours later
Wow, man I got so much applesauce inside my ass, i should have wiped better!
by hard cack October 26, 2011
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"I like applesaucing my friends with my dog, when they fall asleep."
by GiMarie February 15, 2013
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A 'code' word used to describe a sexy female to your buddy when other words such as "sexy bitch" or "fine ass" aren't appropriate at the moment due to other people, environment or the female you're talking about is within listening distance.
Standing in an ER when a fine ass nurse walks up to look at a chart-

1) make eye movement towards female
2) get attention of buddy
3) announce: "applesauceee"

bahaha >:)
by Dr. Bunghole July 6, 2011
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