I can't talk to you when you're so upset, call me back when you're less Anne Coulter.
by Peggy March 9, 2005
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possibly the best example of employment equity. this mentally retarded closet alcoholic who belives canada participated in the vietnam war, spouts horese shit faster than a conveyor belt
Jim we dont have enough social diversity in the office, we need an anne coulter that we can tie up in the back room and see what stupid things we can get her to say...
by disgruntled canuk February 28, 2005
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A sad manifestation of how easy it is to brainwash people with absolute bullshit. Refers to anyone who would rather spew loud nonsense than think critically.
"The bullfighter's biggest worry is not being gored; it's slipping on an unseen pile of Anne Coulter."
by Beefy Silence April 19, 2005
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Arrogant, uneducated, narcissist.

Arrogance: Thinks Canada is lucky to exist on the same continent as the United States.

Unintelligence: Thinks Canada participated in the Vietnam war, too stubborn to believe a reporter from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation telling her she's wrong.

Narcissism: Go to her website. You'll see a special page devoted to pictures of herself, and a "My Life" page.

People that support her only use "she's beautiful" as back-up. Wake up, people, she's a complete dumbass.
Ann Coulter is a shill, self-obsessive, dumbass bitch.
by bon April 5, 2005
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An idiot who hates ayone who is not a white male. hates Jews. Hates the environment. She believes that women shouldn't be allowed to vote
Ann Coulter is satan reincarnated.
by Bush Hater March 17, 2005
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As Al Franken says...
"The reigning diva of the hysterical right. Or rather, the hysterical diva of the reigning right" In other words, the epitomy of all that I hate about the republican party
Everyone should read Lies and the Lying Liars who tell them
by yeah, it's me May 1, 2005
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