An angry tomato who somehow found his way onto a stage and was given a tv show and host of infowars, Alex Jones is known for believing frogs are gay because of chemicals (spoiler alert they were always gay), shouting at grieving parents, being unable to grasp simple concepts like empathy, and for making ads for anything and everything toxic masculinity
I just found out Steve watches infowars, no wonder he’s turning into an angry tomato like Alex Jones.
by Blob the bi frog god December 3, 2022
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An insane and hallarious conspericy theorist that famously said "they're putting chemicals in the water that are turning the fricking frogs gay." After that, it was a surprise that anyone took him seriously, but apparently people did, so much so that it directly cause multiple terrorist attacks, leading to the memelord himself being banned from every social media to date.
"Alex Jones is absolutely hallarious. It's a shame that so many idiots take his insane rants seriously."
by KrimsonKatt August 4, 2021
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Child: Mommy! look its that crazy man from

Mother: Come along Junior Alex Jones is off his nut!
by Poopee fingers August 3, 2018
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Alex Jones is a conspiracy theorist(founder of Infowars) and journalist who is known for the ''sandy hook didn't happen'' and ''chemicals make the frogs gay'' conspiracies. . Jones admitted he was wrong on Sandy Hook and misspoke on the frogs, it turns out that frogs become hermaphrodite because of the chemicals but not gay.

Despite being a whacko he has proven himself to be a high level exposer of conspiracies having filmed the bohemian temple's moloch video. He has also spoken on Nazi interventions with Jinn(interdimensional aliens). Despite all this he is still a hardcore nationalist and Trump supporter, not being able to see the bad there.
Alex Jones was crazy, but when pressured he backs it up.
by @mrkulci October 16, 2020
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When a person, usually prone to conspiracies, takes a fact that vaguely resembles what a conspiracy theorist (Alex Jones) claims, and then ignores their much larger unsubstantiated/incorrect claim that is actually being disputed.
Alex Jones: The reason there is so many gay people is because the government is using a gay bomb made by the pentagon to turn people gay, they already turned the majority of frogs in the US gay.

Actual news that comes out: A pesticide atrazine, can cause a hormonal imbalance in frogs that makes them turn female.

Conspiracy theorist with Alex Jones syndrome: “OMG Alex Jones was right again!”
by Common_sensual November 4, 2022
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Alex Jones 5th form this form Alex Jones in the most powerfull form before the the super gay frogs ark
Alex Jones(sans form) is so cool
by Sans car April 15, 2020
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