A person who loves to listen to their own voice even though it's irrelevant in the situation. Also a troll.
How to be an aizen?
Beat the crap out of someone and then explain in every tiny bit of detail how you did it. Provoke the person while you're at it. 😏
by Probably_a_narcissist November 7, 2017
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To punch the main character so hard their theme stops playing
Geez, I Aizened that kid so hard his theme stopped playing.
by EpicPey January 26, 2022
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Aizen is a very Nice person. They always know how to cheer about a Friend that’s sad. They care deeply about their loves ones. When someone hurts them their love ones, they get very protective. Which people appreciate. When ever Aizen laughs, the whole room laughs. Yes Aizen might have some flaws. Like when they joke around, they might seem serious, but their definitely not. But that flaw is quickly forgiven because of their bubbly personality :) They might get shy at times, but once you know them they are the goofiest person ever. You never really know where Aizen is.
Eliot: Have you seen Aizen?

Kate: No I haven’t!
by Kel_Luver November 26, 2022
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One Man whose love is equal to God. His love is perfect and pure and some would even say he gives off godly aura. This individual carries extreme rare and unique qualities only few beings have experienced yet alone carry themselves. A true image of God in the flesh. Women chase after Aizen consistently and urgently. He treats them all the same and they love him dearly. A truly powerful entity whose constantly protect by God.
This guy is a Aizen. All women love to be around him and crave him .
by Thepurplelady May 11, 2022
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The best character of bleach. Can also be the sweetest boy ever. He smiles when he wakes up and is justa happy guy. Nothing seems to hurt him and he is super smart.
Aizen is such an awesome son.
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a stupid dingus who keeps saying deez nuts jokes

i dont know anymore

they also make weird ass deez nuts jokes
person named Aizen: Hey what are you doing?

person 1: oh I'm just-

person named Aizen: doing deez nuts

person 2: shut the fuck up Aizen
by your local su1cidal writer December 29, 2022
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The hottest boy around, most boys called aizen will play a instrument.
Wow aizen is so hott
by Gaydinisour March 31, 2019
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