The baddest people on the planet, will go to war with any of the other countries and they'll probably win. They've got the finest women in the world, the afghan men can kick all of your asses, they all carry AK 47's so don't fuck with them. AFG WILL TAKE OVER THE NEXT CENTURY SO WATCH OUT!!!
White people: You Afghan's got tremendous dicks...but I don't believe it.
by Blaal July 11, 2004
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A group of people who have many misconceptions through media, often labeled as a middle eastern country with fanatical Muslim extremists. In fact Afghanistan is a part of central Asia, which has many different groups of people which inhabit the region, 40% are pushtuns, these people are often referred to as the 'proper afghans' as pushtun translated into Persian means afghan, however they are not native to the land or region there are some theories that indicate that they are a part of the lost tribes of Israel. There are also Tajiks which inhabit 30% of the population, they are persians as the word tajik is a turkic words meaning non turkic. there are are also hazaras, uzbeks. turkmen * two types, one is hazara turkmen and some are turkmen) and kyrgz (sometimes apart of the hazaras) these groups are turks with ancestry from the turkic regions of central Asia.
Afghans what a complex, dynamic people they are!
by cleveranon May 18, 2015
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verb. To discharge a full clip of one's fully automatic gun into the sky, to signal victory or to indicate agreeance to people in the vacinity, who also probably possess a fully automatic weapon.
It is acceptable to afghan whilst the funeral procession takes place.
by Bidju Vensetaseshan May 2, 2005
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people that will kick your ass, and throw sand in your eyes. they have magical powers too, but only when they are in a desert, because the sand gives them powers. if theyre not in the desert they have to carry a bag of sand around, but it doesnt give them as much power as the desert. dont fuck with them.
i cant think of an example right now, sorry!
by MetallilbangeR April 5, 2005
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a crocheted blanket with a zigzag stripe pattern, usually knitted in psychedelic colors by an older female relative
On top of the neon pink and chartreuse afghan given me by Aunt Chardonnay on the occasion of my graduation from Lower Podunk Middle School, he fucked me all night long.
by Loci Genius April 22, 2005
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The manner in which an individual reacts to a certain situation. Usually negative, unexpected and exaggerated.
I was like a second late for class and sir went all afghan on me
by dicto-mate August 12, 2009
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A person who is of the Irano-Afghan race. Their county is located in the Middle East, and not in South Asia. It is a Western Asian country, and a Central Asian. They speak either Pashto or Farsi, or sometimes both. They are not South Asian because of their location and DNA tests taken from them. Some people will say it is South Asian, and not Middle Eastern, but that is politically and geographically incorrect. Pakistan has a group of Afghans who live on the Western side of Pakistan. They speak Pashto because that area used to be apart of Afghanistan (which is why these people are really lighter in skin compared to the rest of Pakistan, which is Indian).

If anyone argues this fact, I strongly recommend that you do your research, and find out on your own if you do not believe this fact. Do not trust Google, though, or Wikipedia, for they can be edited by anyone. Also, go look at Afghanistan’s history, and look at where these afghans come from. You can, also, find these facts in professional documentaries found on YouTube.

Also, Afghans are called “Afghans”, not “afghanis”. Also, Afghans are not brown, they are of Iranian descent, and are of the Irano-Afghan race. If you wish to not believe this, be my guest, but these are facts.

I have a masters in Anthropology, which shows that this is my career, studying humans, and it’s diferent races, and where these races come from.
Kareem is an Afghan.”
“I asked Jabar what’s his nationality is. He told me he is Afghan.”
by HumanAnthropologist January 31, 2019
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