An exuse for schools to torture its students by forcing us to read and take tests on them to pass.
by pissyest bitch from stg March 5, 2012
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When, after releasing a cloud of farticles, you suddenly get up from your chair and walk across the room or office, trailing a cloud of farticulate matter behind you and contaminating the vicinity.
Dude! I heard that! Take your farticle accelerator somewhere else! (waves hands to dissipate farticle cloud)
by Ian Akori May 21, 2008
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When the person behind you in traffic changes lanes and accelerates to pass only to find that there is not enough room and they have to get back in line.
Driver: Did you see that guy try to pass me? He had to slow down and get back in line.
Passenger: Yeah, that was a case of premature acceleration.
by Morgore December 9, 2008
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A process of abnormally rapid physical, mental and emotional decline associated with severe, unusually unstable environmental conditions.
Whazza matter with that dude? Isn't he a scientist? He looks like he's lost the will to live...
Oh, he's got Accelerated Decrepitude just like almost every other sane intelligent person around here; hopefully he'll recover after the Mueller Report is issued...
by YAWA February 25, 2019
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A object such as a fan that when stood in front of accelerates the dispersion of human gases shouldn't stand in front of that "Farticle Accelerator" after you pounded all those burritos at Taco Bell...That's just nasty
by wpgbrainscanner August 18, 2008
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A thing which you can do in the game Half-Life 2.

Bind your jump to the mouse wheel, then crouch + jump/scroll backwards and you will gain speed.
Hey guys DeSinc here, and today were 'bout to initiate an accelerated backhop towards the ramp surface-
by IfuckLolisLMAO April 8, 2018
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