I was chatting with Marcy about the site and she said, "slink." In response, I messaged her the link.
by AMwDC June 17, 2017
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The act of ejaculating into your own hand and throwing it at another person for sexual gratification.
Janice loves Steve slinking on her tits.

Dave slinked all over his girlfriends face
by Squirrel Lord 83 August 28, 2013
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The word has multiple meanings and tends to be thrown around a lot. It can be used in the following context:
a. when a person is with another person
b. when somethings tends to swish awkwardly up and down
c. when someone is being sneaky
a. I heard she was slinking around with Garret the other day
b. My track spandex are slinking as usual
c. I saw some infants slinking around in the woods today
by santa anna April 30, 2008
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To "slink" is to associate with a person as a last resort.
I'm planning to meet Steve later, but if anything better comes up I'll slink him
by FireArm October 14, 2010
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Slink (sometimes pronounced Shlink) is a woman is has a reputation or appears to be a "sket" ie "Slag"
Used as a derrogatory insult

"Fuck you, you Slink!"

Sometimes pronouced Shlink as it has a nice sound to it
by Anal Ainzworth February 27, 2008
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Slink is what a girl makes in her pussy when she is horny and ready for fucking. It normally doesn't smell very much, but when the pussy is not washed it can have a fishy/shrimpy sent. This is referred to as sour-slink. Slink does not have any color, unless the girl recently have taken cum in her pussy. Slink has many functions. It protects against infection, attracts males through it's smell and most importantly keeps the pussy lubricated during intercourse.

Contrary to popular belief, a woman does not ejaculate slink at orgasm. Occasionally, she may lose bladder control and squirt some urine.
My God, Katie was so wet, my penis is still covered in slink
by Gamlevegen October 29, 2011
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To give motion to the foreskin parralel to the phallic shaft in the act af masterbating.
What are you doing over there? Slinking your mule?
by protocoldroid November 15, 2004
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