A 20mm automatic cannon with a very high rate of fire (rof). Usually aircraft mounted.
I used the vulcan gun to mow down all of the innocent little chipminks.
by BlastMaster May 18, 2003
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In Roman mythology, the god of fire.
Greek equivalent: Hephaestus
Although these days the term Vulcan is most commonly used to refer to a (fictional) Star Trek race, it has its originations in Roman mythology.
by Jonathan Archer March 10, 2005
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A race of pointy-eared ancient humanoids, the most famous of whom is Spock, from a planet of the same name in the Star Trek series. The word could also be used by James T. Kirk to express shock or disbelief in any of Spock's logical thoughts or behaviors that were not clearly comprehended by the Captain.
Kirk: "Doctor, go ask that green slimeball thing if it's possible a human being could have sex with its species."

Doctor: "Damnit, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a sex therapist!"

Spock: "I am afraid the Doctor is right, Jim. That would be completely illogical."

Kirk: "Spock, you're questioning my orders?! Are you out of your Vulcan (fuckin') mind?!"
by dookeyboy December 4, 2010
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The greek god of fire and the forge. Also known as Hephaestus.
Vulcan created the weapons of the gods.
by Umbra December 18, 2004
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Like the shocker, but with all four fingers. Two in the pink, two in the stink.
Sally was bored with the shocker, so she demanded the vulcan.
by sunsetloc July 14, 2014
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An alian race in star trek. They have pointy ears, slaned brows, green blood, and the boys generaly have a black beetle cut. Their culture is based on only being logical, not emotional wich is because thay as a species are super crazy and have to repress that. The men go crazy for sex once every 7 years in pon farr. They can pinch your neck to knock you out and they can mind meld... wich is exactly how it sounds.
Spock, Tuvok, T'pol, T'pring... are all vulcan
by werty709 May 22, 2009
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A shocker, but with two fingers up the anus, and two fingers in the vagina
My wife saw Star Trek and was so turned on with Spock she wanted a shocker (logically), so I proceeded to give her a fascinating vulcan.
by Viper76 May 25, 2013
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