An insult of the highest degree, used to describe someone who enjoys taking it up the ass and fucks sheep in his spare time (which is all the time).
Man, I hate that twat.
Yeah, he totally is a seppy.
by SkaraMog July 30, 2006
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A nickname for any member of the Confederacy of independent system's, mostly used by the clones
"Those darn Seppies have invaded coruscant!"
by Bruh 10293849300 March 18, 2022
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A being of infinite wisdom and knowledge, one who surpasses all in every beneficial aspects; e.g. attractiveness
Damn I cant wait to wake up each morning and simp for Seppy
by speedieOspootie March 17, 2021
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Seppie is the name of Someone with a abnormally large cock who gets too much pussy.
“Damn that kid seppie over there has a huge cock he gets all the girls dude”
by Seppie G November 27, 2018
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A stunt performed by a awesome friend
Go and do a seppi, OMG thats was Like SO SEPPI
by MOMAN February 19, 2004
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The act of fisting two people at the same time while wearing a propeller hat and singing Ariana Grande.
Man 1: Have you seen Jack and Susan lately?

Man 2: No, I heard Sam did a dirty seppi on them, they haven’t left their bed in days.
by TatiIsNotIt May 6, 2020
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one who performs outragious and sometime life threatening feats of great bravery on film for the hope that maybe somewhere, somehow. someone will be possesed so far as to laugh at it.
hey, did u c seppi matrix the other day?
yer that guy is such a toss.
croc wrestling, blatant matrix rippoff creatively called (seppimatric), cavemanning. that guy is a legend.
wat has he bin smoking?
by January 23, 2004
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