A line of cocaine, usually done on the tip of a key.
Let's go to the bathroom and do a huge schnitzel!
by jgw899 June 21, 2009
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1. scaredy cat wimp coward

2. loser/nobody
3. idiot
4. a german persons dick
2. your just a schnitzel
3. your such a schnitzel
4. mmm this schnitzel is great
by platypussy_licker May 3, 2019
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Ach du liebe! Vehais essen mine Weiner schnitzel du ashluck!
"Oh my God! You ate my Weiner schnitzel you asshole!"
Du huntsknoken, vehais essen mine schnitzel du alte coo!
"You dogdick, you ate my schnitzel you old cow"
by Mike the Grrman May 18, 2016
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Often used as a verb or action word referring to the act of theft.
Milan: "someone totally schnitzeled my 7 dollar bag of fuckin chips"
by Jamesclay16 November 25, 2017
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A new guy at work or just an overall doofus, in general.
"Geez...I'll be here all day trying to train this schnitzel!"

"Hey Schnitzel..maybe you should try plugging it IN first??"

"Shhhh..here comes the schnitzel, now.......'Hey Man, how are ya making out? Getting the hang of things?? Great!'.............what a schnitzel!"
by Hyde44 November 28, 2006
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