A place you tend to go back to, regardless of distance or time.
"I'm going back to 505, if it's a 7-hour drive or a 45-minute drive"
by Crumbling completely March 5, 2022
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Meeting up with buddies right after work for drinks, usually down at the local bar.
hey, it's friday, lets do a 505 today
by flyingtattoolady October 25, 2006
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Black people. Its the GM Paint code for Black.
Cop 1: We got ourselves a couple 505's trying to break in a gas 'n go.

Cop 2: There's something you don't see everyday...
by Orion370 November 20, 2008
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505 is a person that u keep coming back to but is bad for u but u still hang out with them.
by Balkijevi podanici January 24, 2022
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What New Mexico is referred to because of the area code being 505.

Also, one of the awesomest places if you know where to find fun.
"I always go to the 505 to chill, man"
by Lobita June 19, 2008
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