An American code used by secrete agents
There are #39s world leaders
by Me.39s July 1, 2018
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A 39 is not an ordinary party its where people get f*cked up beyond self control but the vibes are always good and having fun is what's important
I heard thatMN is throwing ANOTHER 39
by MasterPhilosophical March 8, 2020
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A woman who is a 3/10 in real life but when she is in the atmosphere of a nightclub she has the attitude and style of an attractive woman. They often reject guys who want to dance or buy them a drink.
"Dude this club sucks, I just got shut down by a fat chick". "Way too many 39's here".
by Patrick69 November 30, 2007
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a number that subconsciously attracts the member of the opposite sex when displayed.
Niven: Check out my s3xy 39 shirt"
Assorted girls: He's so hot, I wan't his bod!!!!"
by Kat November 26, 2004
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Numbers, when said in Japanese (san and roku), sound like "thank you." Mostly used in text messages.
Charlie: got da tix 4 u
Sam: 39
by obey gravity December 21, 2006
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a person (not naming any names here) that likes to wear midriffs and eat all of the SSS mac&cheese. also a key number in the BBC cough....GG <3's him...cough
"OMG #39!!!!!!! hes so0o0o0o totally at least #10 on ungodly hottness scale worthy!"

"#39's bike got run over my a truck and the pedal squeaks"

"#39 plays the baratone, w/e the hell that is¿?!"
by Cookie October 17, 2004
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