In Hawaii, this Emoticon is used widely in e-mails, social networking, etc to mean 'shaka'.

shaka is a hand gesture with 3 fingers in the middle closed and having the pinky and the thumb stick out. This gesture has multiple meanings which originated with 'hang loose' or chill, relax, and is also used to give praise, approve, or to simply say thank you.
This emoticon can be used in any order (but preferably at the end)

'ey, thanks braddah \m/'


thank you for your time,
mahalo \m/
(insert name)
by knocknak February 1, 2012
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A hand sign that is supposed to look like devil horns, and a generic symbol that means a combination of "heavy metal" and "good". Very similar to word-I-/word
Bob: I just got the new Judas Priest album!
Joe: \m/
by Omniverse March 29, 2003
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Commonly used to express "rock on" in text form
That concert last night was \m/
by schmidty42 June 17, 2009
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Representation of the 'sign of horns' gesture commonly seen in rock and metal circles.
Usually indicates a metalhead's approval of a song or band.
Saw Gojira live yesterday. Brutal as fuck!! \m/ \m/
by Niggurath July 3, 2017
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a textual representation of the "SWEET" sign, more commonly known as the rock on sign, and most often used in a sarcastic mocking manner.
by youmustbetheman April 6, 2011
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instant message with fuckmyassholehard:
and jesuslovesthelittlechildren:

fuckmyassholehard: just got back from gangbangin a ton of little boys...

jesuslovesthelittlechildren: \m/
by thisissonotfunny September 2, 2009
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