Online poker lingo for "nice hand" usually said after someone gets their @$$ handed to them after a very bad beat instead of cursing them out
Ac Kc beaten by 2d 3h
with a Ah Kd 3d flop and 2h 3s runners

joepro76: XXXX nh
onlnplayer32: ty
by Max P0wer June 19, 2005
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A shortcut for "no hate"
James: "nh but your eyebrow looks weird"
by Roti caroti May 17, 2021
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No Head Syndrome, an anti-STD, is caused by an extensive period of time without oral intercourse. NHS commonly results in a prominent display of Blue Balls.
Person 1: Hey did you hear about Cambo?
Person 2: Yea, I heard he hasn’t gotten head for a year!
Person 1: Truly a terrible case of NHS.
by schulson March 11, 2018
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Short for No Honor. Often used as an insult to people in RuneScape who are being unfair.
Quikdrawjoe just cheated by using armor in a no-armor fight! He's so nh!
by Kazeodori March 20, 2009
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abreviation used in poker chats for say "nice hand" when someone wants to congratulate another player
tom had a royal flush
mark had two pair
mark say tom "nh"
by elyasa August 30, 2009
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Acronym for "never had sex"
"Dude, are you part of the NHS club?"
"Nah man! I put in my two weeks notice three weeks ago."
"Fuck man."
by madskils695 March 29, 2008
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