A band formed in Omaha, Nebraska. Their name came after a few of the members were arrested for nudity in a public pool. The police code was 311 and stuck on as a joke. They've always been ahead of the sound and have continued to produce awesome CDs, and live shows. Props to 311. One of the better bands still around since the early 90s/1989
by Anonymous July 28, 2003
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Probably the worst way to spell "hell" ever.
"what the |-|311 was that ?!"
"zomg who cares just stfu"
by Oi Raquel! July 11, 2008
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the best fucking band ever. they mix funk, rap, rock, reggae and who knows what else all together to create something wonderful. they are in my opinion the best band ever and i couldn't go one day without singing the song "offbeat bareass". their cd's that they currently have out are music, grassroots, omaha sessions, from chaos, transistor, live, evolver, and others that are unreleased. they are releasing a new album in july!!! YESS!!!
by Tiffany April 6, 2005
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by far the greatest band of all time. a kick-ass mixture of alternative metal with reggae, rap, and a bunch of other shit that is guaranteed to blow you away. the church should make nick, sa, p-nut, chad, and tim saints beause they are kickass.
go buy the cd "from chaos", it is, in my opinion, 311's best work.
by Shaun June 24, 2004
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The greatest band since 1990
They make crazy shit that makes my balls tingle differently in every cd.
They come from Omaha, Nebraska.
Three Eleven, Three three Eleven.
"311 is amazing."
"Yes they are amazing."
"Lets go to an amazing concert."
"Yes, 311 is playing tonight"
by Hooman December 12, 2003
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Back in 1996, someone started a rumor about how 311 is kkk. Thats bullshit, 311 is the most anti-racist band out there. Listen to the song unity by them , its about everyone being unified! 311 is amazing!
"311 is racist man!"

" fuck you dude, 311 isn't racist!
by Drew March 17, 2005
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a band, and an excelent one at that.

311 also is a police code for indecent exposure
wow, 311 has great music
by made with 3% real lemon juice November 22, 2003
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