exaggeratedly bitching about shit that isn't that big a deal
-Leave your brother and his friends alone.
-C'mon Mom, my brother's just flippin his nuts.
by Squeaks M January 1, 2008
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1. Another way of saying "nuthin' sis," or "nuthin' bro," or "nuthin' couz."

2. Tossing and rotating poop while shoveling dirt or miming the shoveling of dirt.

3. Eating Fig Newtons
-Hey, wutup?

-Ooh you know, just Flippin' the shit and doin' the dig. You?

-Nuttin... What the hell did you just say?

-What? What just happened? I must've blacked out or something-call a doctor.
by Barnaby J August 15, 2008
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a big word for fantastic filled with flippin and shat, the word just simply means AMAZING!!!!!
Yo, did u see that movie last week, it was Fan-Flippin-Shat-Tastic!!!!!!

Dude that move was Fan-Flippin-Shat-Tastic! =
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The phrase used to describe one who is overreacting, freaking out, trippin, mentally nuts'd, or just generally out of it.
Sarah: OMG. I can't believe he ASKED THAT.
by Johnny Lemonhead May 11, 2008
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A red man standing on the top of the red 1950 Buick Super
Flippin' Out to the beat of the music, Flippin' Out 'till you lose control
by KoharuSakuragi2006 March 24, 2023
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Da humorous "addendum remark" dat ya write after texting a sarcastic/silly remark, to let your message's recipient know dat you were merely kidding around wif him.
Me: Zheeeesh... dat sure was some blizzard we had last night --- da trees and bushes are all covered wif snow!
You: I see dat --- well, it should perfect weather to put on a bathing suit and charge headlong into da underbrush!
Me: Iz you plumb-insane??? I'd get all cold and wet wif da fresh snow deluging down on my bare skin!!!
You: I knooooowwwwwww....!!! Juss flippin' yer switchiz, Dude... (wink, tongue-out emoticons)
Me: Smart-a**!! :P :P
by QuacksO March 23, 2019
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