Like those pointless and meaningless filler episodes in anime except for Snapchat streaks
They've had a Snapchat streak for 420 days now; at this point their snaps have downgraded to streak fillers consisting of household plants, ceiling vents, closeups of the left eye, and fidget spinners.
by Harrissia June 3, 2017
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A boyfriend/girlfriend that you date simply to avoid the pains of being single. You're most likely not very attracted to him/her
Girl: I can't believe I was a filler date this whole time!!!
by nilethe146 October 26, 2016
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A person who acts annoying and continually bothers you about the dumbest shit possible knowing that the decision is made and they cant change it
by BT3948 July 31, 2010
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All of Bell's Life story

Look at Bell , he is an IRL Lobby Filler
CLOWN = IRL Lobby Filler
by THE BIG GRAAL (WOOF WOOF) November 22, 2021
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Any food you ritually eat when you're not hungry but feel like eating for no reason.
Ethan: They say carrots are a bad stomach filler because they are surprisingly high in sugar.
Hawke: What's a "stomach filler"?
Ethan: Look it up on Urban Dictionary, you goddamn retard!
by !JayAm! December 18, 2020
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Grain Filler or grain putty is used to fill large gaps in wood works. It comes in a wet substance. PVA is often used to fill in Seamus' huge gaps, this is a serious case of PVA abuse. Shall Seamus use "grain filler" he might get somewhere in workshop.
"just chuck it on the sander, it'll be okay"
"fix it up with some PVA"
"grain filler wont work"
by bobby pin. November 24, 2009
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The information you give to someone you want to get to know but not sure you can trust yet, so you can protect yourself from potential danger.
Friend 1- Why did you tell them you live in that country?

Friend 2- Don’t worry! It’s just filler information until I know I can trust them.
Friend 1- oh thats actually a good idea!
by Broadie😎 January 18, 2022
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