12 definitions by !JayAm!

Sheena didn't want to get down last night until she found out I had a waterbed. That girl loves to sea cruise.
by !JayAm! December 10, 2016
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A method for quitting alcohol by smoking weed instead.
Vance: You want anything? There's beers in the fridge.
Joy: No thanks. I'm kinda high & dry these days.
Vance: Oh, well, there's a pipe in that drawer.
Joy: Cool.
by !JayAm! February 28, 2021
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Dad is very sorry but his paycheck for the last job won’t come in until January so we won’t have gifts on Dec. 25. They’ll be just a few weeks late I promise.
<Late December>
8yo Me: Dad, you’re so late. I missed you.

Best dad ever: I missed you too. Just trying to get this job done so I’ve been working late.

Me: but you won’t have to work Christmas like last year will ya?
BDE: No, son, I’ll be here. But since I didn’t finish the job I won’t get paid before Xmas. But I’ll get paid in a few weeks and we’ll celebrate then. Well just have a January Christmas. Ok?
Me: that’s fine dad. I understand.
by !JayAm! December 13, 2021
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Spending too much time and effort trying to get the infrared-activated sink to turn on. Up, down, left, right, repeat.
Man, the sink in the men’s room is awful. I just spent about 5 minutes blessing the sink.
by !JayAm! March 3, 2018
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When you drank so much last night that you can't pronounce the letter N.
How you doin' this morning?
Dude, leave me alo', I got the world's worst haygover.
by !JayAm! January 27, 2018
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An escalator that is temporarily stairs.
An escalator can never break. It can only become stairs. You would never see an "Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order" sign, just "Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience."
-Mitch Hedberg
by !JayAm! December 2, 2018
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When you get fired/laid-off/quit your job and try to get another full time job, but can't for some reason, so you take a temp job. When that ends no one will hire you because they think, "If this guy was any good his last employer would have hired him full time." So you get another temp job because they'll hire anyone.
Justin: I've been looking for a job for 3 months now, and the only places showing any interest are just temp jobs.

Rich: So, what's wrong with that?
J: Well it would be nice to have insurance or paid days off or any kind of benefits, and have a normal, stable job. But I guess I'm just stuck in a temp cycle for-fucking-ever!
by !JayAm! August 3, 2018
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