Maria Rita, detta anche comunemente mary è una ragazza solare, altruista e divertente. Lei ti farà sempre ridere, anche nei momenti più bui! ma fate attenzione, perché a primo impatto sembrerà una vera stronzetta. Lei spesso può risultare violenta tirandoti anche un bel calcio, ma vabbuo le vogliamo bene lo stesso perché mentre ti sfotte ride. Fate attenzione anche alla sua amica Iole, le sta spesso abbracciata fuori scuola per paura che qualche essere cattivo gliela porti via. Iole è Maria Rita sono le amiche perfette per chiunque<3
iole: Ue strunz
Maria Rita: Ue facc e cazz *ride e ti assassina*
by iole November 21, 2021
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a woman that has the ability to inflict psychological pain on a grand scale.
"Why are you such a Rita Willem?
by Aaslex January 9, 2019
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A lady that is thick headed!
Can’t understand it? What are you, a Rita Pannell?
by Whofatnola September 22, 2020
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a rare valencian mutation created by a multiple orgy of whales, mammoths and sea lions who used to be Valencian mayoress from 1991 to 2015. Afortunately for valencian people, she's fuckin' dead and all her human rests can feed like 14 billion hectares.
Guy: Wow! that enormous fat oozing ball looks like it's moovin'
Valencian guy: don't worry, it's our mayoress.

Boy: why should we vote this drunk thief?
Boy's fascist grandfather: well, Rita Barberá is better than Paracuellos.
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Its a person that god used all creating points on beauty and left her with no brain
by Vaginmepenisanash December 16, 2021
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