playing Heroes of the Storm at a specific time or with a specific attitude
,,Hey, Leon are you ready for late night HotS ?''
by Schmick69 April 10, 2020
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Those times where you randomly wake up at 2-3:30 AM dehydrated as fuck and you get a cup of water and it’s the most refreshing water you’ve ever had in your life. Once you get those first few sips u really get going with gulping that shit down.
Bro 1: Dude I had the absolute best late night dehydration ever last night!

Bro 2: Bro, really‽

Bro 1: Yeah bro, that shit tasted so good

Bro 1 and bro 2 dap each other up in the manliest manly manner known to the manliest men of all man
by Craig Burns March 28, 2020
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Something people usually living in small towns do late at night since they have nothing else better to do. They go to their local McDonald's after midnight, harass the employees, loiter for hours, and make a ton of noise.
Damn, there ain't nothin to do tonight! Who's up for some late night mcdonald's???
by IcyHot November 4, 2013
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A late night ticket is an all-night San Francisco bus transfer, soled illegally at a discounted price.
by wise crakcker August 2, 2012
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Usually an assortment of shows hosted during late hours relative to times on the west coast. Usually hosted by possibly depressed lunatics that have either had a full days rest or is heavily lacking rest and is up late attempting to spout psuedo-philosiphy, exaggerated scientific facts, and forceful personal opinions praying someone will tune in eyes and ears to pay attention.
During this time, I like to turn on my device and view the latest Late Nights with... for unknown reasoning besides "they talk funny and I listen and smile"
by DinhKappa July 11, 2017
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Those moments when you’re up late and get a grade-a raging cock penis boner hard enough to penetrate the earth’s crust
Girl on FaceTime: hey lol let’s stay up all night

by _The_Fool_ May 16, 2023
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