We support Eden Alicia Harvey, We arealways willing to support one and another through everything and anything! We always got each other’s back ; We are a Family💚🖤
Someone : ‘Do you support Eden Harvz?’
Me : ‘Of course, I’m part for the Harvey Family!’
by harlie quenault June 7, 2021
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a yankee dinger pee free family is a family of special friends who like to make interesting sounds like (OOOWWWWLLLL,slurp,coo,coof,and more) we all have fun nick names for eachother and talk ab the most random things we have our own language called chunks and we love eachother dearly a very smelly group who also have a movie, snapchat, insta and more we eat eachother if u live in ny be aware we’re a wild bunch of special people who r crazy there is 11 of us stinkys
1.)oh that yankee dinger pee free family is always making loud scary sounds i don’t know if i should call the police it concerns me

2.) the yankee dinger pee free family talk about concerning and disturbing things i’m scared

3.) hey stinky girls
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archie bangs gloria, mike bangs edith. they were very close.
they dug up some dirt on that old show from the 70's seems they liked to ball in the family
by burbman69 September 18, 2023
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When you come home from blazing fat doobies and getting mega chonged you realise your whole family is over and they are having the family dinner while you are super chonged and your grandma says to you, “JOSH! Stop getting super chonged for the family dinner.”
by The God of Many. September 3, 2023
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A nipple on a male or female which is extremely broad and has the same circumference as a size 3 soccer ball.
Dude my girls got the feather family fipples, I touched them and it was like touching a watermelon.
by Con1ron February 21, 2018
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The family you are somewhat ashamed of but would rather be hanging with
I wish I could've gone to drink with my side family but my main family was having a dinner
by Zacokalo January 4, 2022
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Immitation bacon bits
Grab the family scab collection from cupboard for my salad
by Poor slinky neck April 12, 2018
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