An excellent beer (OG1044 4.2% abv)brewed at the microbrewery of The Ram’s Head, Wakefield Road, Sowerby Bridge, West Yorkshire HX6 2AZ.
Have too many and you turn into one....
glug.... burp..........
by Ian Hamer November 27, 2003
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1. A person possessed of exceedingly stupid opinions.

2. A person who uses wild gesticulations of the hands and arms to explain an exceedingly stupid idea.

3. A person who displays distain for the attributes of others whale simultaneously displaying exceedingly stupid attributes of their own.
"He is a numpti tard"
by Word hermit September 10, 2011
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An individual whos head is so confused they are forever making mistakes. A polite way of calling somone a dick head!
Why have you come out of the house with no trousers on you numpty head!
by nutman17 May 9, 2007
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Girl that has not mstered the art of walking even at the age of fifteen.
the in-ability to string an inteligent sentance together.
Alanna of the Lee clan is a numpty bird
by Uncle Andy Kiely February 10, 2007
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Is a silly b*ll*cks from County Louth who drives a clapped out BMW.
A complete know all who is so fond of himself that he would crawl up his own arse.
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